New Homeschool Academy


Montessori Work
The New Homeschool Academy is a Christian Co-op Offering:
Educational Classes • Art Lessons • Chess Club • Class Government • Yearbook Committee
~ Inspire the natural love for learning in a child,
fanning their inner flame and passion for exploring all the glorious wonders of this world!
~ Support Christain homeschooling families by offering exceptional educational, enrichment, & art classes
~ Provide a safe, peaceful, healthy environment ~ Nurture healthy, lifelong friendships among the students
~ Create joyous childhood "school" like memories (celebrate birthdays, holiday parties, & coordinate parent lead fieldtrips)


Classroom II

The Montessori Bells train the ear for a life of Musical Enjoyment.

The Montessori Geography Materials make learning about our world fun and easy!

Real Artifacts make History lessons come alive for young minds.

In our class children learn the confidence to put what is in their imaginations onto paper. Where there is no right or wrong, or good & bad, students free themselves to create. This is quite the opposite of art lessons where the teacher holds up something she has made, and the children try to copy it. Here, each child's art is celebrated and appreciated for its unique qualities. After a few months, the shyness is long gone, when all have learned to appreciate their own work and can't wait to share it with the class.
"Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and the strength, use it to create.”
—Maria Montessori
Welcome to our Art School

Each day we spend a few moments learning about a new artist, looking at their famous paintings and works, sharing our opinions about them, and discussing their particular style. Students learn that everyone's opinions are valued, and even some famous artists may not be in their particular taste.
“The things he sees are not just remembered; they form a part of his soul.”
—Maria Montessori

Art students begin with Montessori materials made to develop the sense of sight in a childs growing brain, in order to develop an advanced sense of color depiction. Next, children learn how to use many different mediums such as; charcoal, all types of water colors, acrylic painting, painting on fabric, paper making, and many more. Our purpose is to have great fun in being creative, while having the opportunity to learn many different forms of art. Students will spend most of their time on advancing their skills in painting and drawing.
“Only through freedom and environmental experience is it practically possible for human development to occur.”
—Maria Montessori

Students learn about perspective in a way they can easily understand.

Growing up in a small town just outside of Santa Fe, N.M., Kimberly was able to enjoy art lessons from a well-known artist who lived in town. For seven years Kimberly walked to her studio after school. She studied pottery, copper enameling, sand painting, piñata making, doll & kachina making, and numerous other mediums. This began her lifelong interest in the arts. She continued studying art throughout high school, an art academy, and college. Having her own investment consulting firm provided the ability to work part-time, and spend the rest of her time teaching. Kimberly enjoyed teaching opportunities in art in Fairfax, Old Town Alexandria, Christiansburg, and Haiti. By age seven, Kimberly decided she would one day be an art teacher.

Students have plenty of space and freedom in our open classroom. They have the option to work at their own easel or table.

Chess Club
Our Chess Club is a non-competitive club, in a fun and relaxed environment. Some kids will be learning to play for the first time, while some are USCF rated traveling players. Having fun, while advancing in our chess skills, is the club goal. This will be our fifth year, and our second year at the New Homeschool Academy!

Students will learn how to use a chess clock and algebraic notation. They may choose to play their games without a clock or notating. We provide USCF sets or students may bring their own USCF rated chess set. Club members will have the opportunity to go to area tournaments.